Sains dan Teknologi Pertanian Modern

Kegiatan Seminar Nasional Magister Agroteknologi FP-UPNVJT dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji berbagai informasi mengenai perkembangan dan kebaruan sains serta teknologi di bidang pertanian yang efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai produksi pertanian yang optimal, sehingga ketahanan pangan nasional dapat segera diwujudkan. Kegiatan seminar yang akan dilaksanakan diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada berbagai pihak mengenai sains dan teknologi pertanian modern yang tepat. Sedangkan tujuan Seminar Nasional Magister Agroteknologi adalah: 1) Sebagai sarana dialog interaktif beberapa pihak yang menekuni bidang Pertanian; 2) Mengomunikasikan dan mendiskusikan hasil penelitian mengenai sains dan teknologi pertanian modern yang efektif dan efisien dalam rangkan mencapai produktivitas pertanian yang optimal; 3) Menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dan pengetahuan tentang sains dan teknologi pertanian modern; 4) Terjalinnya jaringan informasi lintas sektoral (praktisi, akademisi, pengusaha dan pemerhati) dalam mewujudkan produksi pertanian yang meningkat dan berkualitas.

Published: Dec 7, 2021

2nd International Conference Eco-Innovation in Science, Engineering, and Technology

Whereas economic growth is recognized as the most important instrument for the decline in global poverty levels in the past 50 years, not all countries have been equally successful at reducing poverty, and income inequality has risen considerably within and among countries. Moreover, current production processes cannot be sustained within planetary boundaries: resource depletion, climate change, massive increases in waste production and pollution are challenges that have endured. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls upon countries to pursue a different kind of growth, one that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

The driving force of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, will be innovation – experimenting with different ways to make use of a range of emerging physical, digital and biological technologies that transform how we produce, consume, and interact and, ultimately, how it meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). New technologies include remarkable advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, automation, the Internet of Things, 3D printing and additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.

Published: Nov 12, 2021

3rd Economics, Business, and Government Challenges 2020

3rd Economics, Business, and Government Challenge 2020 are conferences held by the National Development University "Veteran" Jawa Timur in 2020. The theme of this conference is "Indonesia's Economic Recovery Government Challenges". This event will be held on November 24th -November 27th 2020.

Published: Oct 21, 2021

International Conference of Social Research with Multidisiplinary Approach (ICSRMA) 2021

International Conference Of Social Research with Multidisciplinary Approach (ICSRMA 2021) aims to facilitate an open exchange of knowledge and engaging discussions of the latest development in all areas of social sciences. We are gathering top members of the academia, researchers, non-profit organisations, government, and business representatives for two days of lively discussions, fascinating presentations, and attractive workshops. ICSRMA 2021 will provide an opportunity to get your research published, network with diverse minds and brainstorm creative solutions with multidisciplinary approaches.

31 July - 01 August 2021

Link web:

Published: Oct 25, 2021

Join Proceeding "Basic and Applied Science Conference (BASC) 2021 & 1st Education Research and Applied Business Conference"

Semakin pesatnya kemajuan teknologi yang ditandai dengan hadirnya revolusi industri 4.0 (Artificial Intelegence, Information Communication Technology, Internet of Things, Biotechnology, and Driverless Vehicles) mendorong pemerintah Indonesia untuk berkomitmen dalam menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0 melalui gerakan “Making Indonesia 4.0”. Seluruh bidang mau tidak mau, siap tidak siap harus adaptable terhadap perubahan yang terjadi dalam bidang iptek dan pendidikan tinggi. Iptek nasional sebagai hal mendasar dalam mendukung Indonesia 4.0, sedangkan pendidikan tinggi sebagai agen utama pembangunan iptek nasional yang dituntut kemampuannya untuk membudayakan rasa ingin tahu, budaya belajar yang tinggi, memberikan apresiasi pada kegiatan riset iptek, serta kreatif dan inovatif dalam merespon kehadiran revolusi industri 4.0.

Melalui Lembaga Penelitian yang dimiliki, Universitas YARSI terus mengembangkan riset iptek yang diwujudkan dalam enam pusat penelitian, yaitu Pusat Penelitian E-Health, Pusat Penelitian Genomik, Pusat Penelitian Herbal, Pusat Penelitian Sel Punca, Pusat Penelitian Telomer, serta Pusat Penelitian Halal. Selain itu, Universitas YARSI juga memberikan pendanaan kegiatan riset setiap tahunnya kepada para dosen dan peneliti dalam lingkungan Universitas YARSI. Kegiatan riset yang dilakukan mencakup bidang kesehatan maupun non-kesehatan yang memiliki manfaat luas untuk bidang disiplin ilmu itu sendiri maupun untuk masyarakat. Sumbangsih Universitas YARSI dalam riset iptek tidak hanya diberikan kepada lingkungan internal, tetapi juga kepada para peneliti dari lingkungan luar YARSI yang ingin membagikan kegiatan dan hasil penelitian mereka kepada khalayak. Oleh karena itu, pada kesempatan kali ini Universitas YARSI bermaksud ingin mengadakan suatu rangkaian acara ilmiah sebagai media pertukaran ilmu demi mengimbangi kemajuan iptek di era revolusi industri 4.0.

Kegiatan yang akan diadakan terdiri atas dua tema besar, yaitu pertama Seminar Nasional “Basic and Applied Science Conference (BASC) 2021: Peluang dan Tantangan Penelitian di Pendidikan Tinggi pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0”, kemudian yang kedua adalah “Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian”. Melalui “BASC 2021” yang bertemakan “Revolusi Industri 4.0” diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan para peserta serta memberi motivasi kepada para dosen dan peneliti untuk terus berinovasi dalam mengembangkan riset iptek yang memiliki banyak manfaat nasional agar nantinya dapat berintegrasi dengan stakeholders industri. Sementara itu, melalui kegiatan “Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian” diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah untuk para peserta dalam mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya, brainstorming ilmu kepada para peneliti lain, serta mempublikasikan hasil penelitian pada jurnal-jurnal nasional maupun internasional.

Published: Sep 6, 2021

1st ICEMAC 2020: International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting

International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting (ICEMAC) is an activity in the form of an international conference by representing new studies and research results in the field of Economics, Management, and Accounting. Management and Accounting Study Program is the organizer of this international standard conference.

The 1st ICEMAC 2020 will bring together national and international researchers, practitioners, students, and community and industry activists in our chosen fields. Given the conditions of the COVID 19 pandemic that impact various lines, especially research in this field, the 1st ICEMAC 2020 international conference has the central theme, namely "Improving Innovation and Competitiveness in The Pandemic Era Through Economics, Management, and Accounting Research."

Published: Jun 15, 2021

5th International Seminar of Research Month 2020

Covid-19 pandemic hits various aspects of life in nearly all countries in the world. The pandemic devastates all (social, cultural, economic, political, particularly health, and people life sustainability) life orders from global scale to the smallest one (macro-mezo-micro): world order, nation state, community, family, and even individual. It forces the people to adapt to new normal condition. In such situation, the research on many disciplines plays an important role to capture the global pandemic phenomenon occurring and the attempt of coping with it. It is very important for individual states to be prepared for dealing with the new epidemic. Through International Health Regulation, WHO along with all of its members has also agreed to implement this international treaty to improve the state’s capacity of dealing with epidemic through preventive, detective, and responsive approaches. The largest bet to win the fight against pandemic is the collapse of national health system. A synergy is required in the research process for managing and preventing corona virus. The research on the need for Covid-19 management and prevention will be useful to reduce the import of health equipments. A preventive measure should be taken recalling that this global pandemic cannot be considered as ordinary one. To coordinate the measure, LPPM (Research and Community Service Institution) of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran of East Java holds Webinar activity themed Research Synergy in Dealing Global Pandemic into Multidimensional Aspect for National Defenses as a synergic attempt along with Government, many Universities or Colleges and international community to prevent the transmission and to reduce the impact of Covid-19. Furthermore, this Covid-19 pandemic will expectedly not transmit more widely and will end immediately. The authors should be prepared for conducting research with new normal paradigm. To provide an inclusive pandemic management, a synergy is required between multidisciplinary researches

Participant: The conference is open to all academic experts,
students, researchers, and professionals

Date and venue: Tuesday/ October 27, 2020
08.00 am – 04.00 pm
Zoom/Live Streaming Youtube. 

Published: Apr 27, 2021

International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB)

International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB) is a biannual international, peer-reviewed conference that focuses on life sciences, biotechnology, and related fields such as health and medicine, agriculture, biodiversity, environmental, conservation, new and renewable energy. After the successful event of the 1st ICOLIB in 2015 “Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity” and the 2nd ICOLIB 2017 “Integrated Biological Sciences for Human Welfare”. Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – University of Jember proudly present the 3rd ICOLIB 2019 with the theme BIODIVERSITY: Molecules to BiosphereThe conference invites researchers, academia, educators, industrial practitioners, and professionals to meet and share knowledge and results of research. We look forward to significant contributions to all major fields of biology and biology-related fields, in theory, methodology, and application. This conference covers all subjects in Life Sciences and Technology including cell Biophysical and Biological Science biology, Mathematics, Statistics, and Modeling, health and medicine, horticulture, molecular medicine bioinformatics, breeding, food science, system biology, genomics, biodiversity, and conservation biology.
Date: 4 Februari 2020

Published: Mar 9, 2021

Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Conferences (BBC)

Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Conferences (BBC) is an annual conference to support the development of bioinformatics research in Indonesia. The BBC is hosted by the Indonesian Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Society (MABBI) and the AKADEMISI team. This conference was initiated by the bioinformatics community to accelerate the development of computational science, biodiversity research, and related research in Indonesia. This conference also accommodates annual meetings for bioinformatics researchers in Indonesia and provides special events for students to spread ideas globally or create prototypes of products related to the bioinformatics field ( .html)

Date : December 21-24, 2020

Conference link:

Published: Feb 17, 2021

Seminar Nasional Magister Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur

Kegiatan Seminar Nasional PS Magister Agroteknologi FP-UPNVJT dimaksudkan untuk mengeksplorasi informasi terbaru atas hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan perubahan iklim dan dampak negatif (tantangan) serta upaya penyelesaiannya untuk ketahanan pangan global. Sehingga diperoleh suatu strategi efektif yang dapat diimplementasikan di seluruh negara dengan memperhatikan kemungkinan kerusakan terkecil terhadap lingkungan yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan “Revolusi Perubahan Iklim”. Adapun tujuan Seminar Nasional PS Magister Agroteknologi FP-UPNVJT adalah :
a. Sebagai wadah dan wahana dialog interaktif beberapa komunitas yang menekuni bidang perubahan iklim, lingkungan, dan pertanian.
b. Mendiskusikan dan mengkomunikasikan hasil penelitian terkait perubahan iklim terhadap tanaman pangan sehingga terwujud suatu keadaan yang memenuhi kebutuhan pangan (ketahanan pangan) global.
c. Menyebarluaskan (diseminasi) hasil penelitian dan pengetahuan tentang perubahan iklim di bidang pertanian.
d. Terjalinnya jaringan informasi lintas sektoral (praktisi, akademisi, pengusaha, dan pemerhati) dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan secara global.

Pelaksanaan Seminar : 29 September 2020

Informasi lengkap seminar:


Published: Dec 20, 2020

1st International Conference Eco-Innovation in Science, Engineering, and Technology

Whereas economic growth is recognized as the most important instrument for the decline in global poverty levels in the past 50 years, not all countries have been equally successful at reducing poverty, and income inequality has risen considerably within and among countries. Moreover, current production processes cannot be sustained within planetary boundaries: resource depletion, climate change, massive increases in waste production and pollution are challenges that have endured. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls upon countries to pursue a different kind of growth, one that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

The driving force of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, will be innovation – experimenting with different ways to make use of a range of emerging physical, digital and biological technologies that transform how we produce, consume, and interact and, ultimately, how it meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). New technologies include remarkable advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, automation, the Internet of Things, 3D printing and additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.

Industry 4.0 describes the integration of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with traditional physical products and processes, which will create new business models and new markets. The major idea of Industry 4.0 is the introduction of internet technologies into industry. Currently, industrial production is facing serious challenges, because information and communication technologies – e.g. the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Embedded Systems (ES), Augmented Reality (AR), Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M), Cloud Computing –are entering the factory. I4.0 is a generic term, a vision that shows where the journey in industrial production is going.

Steering Committee : Prof. Ir. Renanto, M.Sc., Prof. Akhmad Fauzi, M.M., Dr. Dra. Jariyah, M.P.,Prof. Dr. Soemargono, S.U., Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Redjeki, M.T., Euis Nurul H, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., Ir. Kindriari Nurma W, M.T.,Dr. Ir. Minto Waluyo, M.M

Chief of the committee: Dr. Ir. Sintha Soraya S, M.T., Dr. Farida Pulansari, S.T., M.T.

Publication and Documentation Division: Anugerah Dani P, S.TP., M.P., M.Sc., Rizka Novembriato, S.T., M.T, Ahmad Fahri Husaini, Lucky Bayu Riantin

Event Division: Dr. Dra. Wulan Retno W, M.Pd, Aulia Ulfa Farahdiba, S.T., M.Sc., Beta Cahaya Pertiwi, Sucahyaning Wahyu T.K

Secretariat Division: Dr. Dira Ernawati, S.T., M.T., Kinanti R. Hayati, S. Hum., M.A., Riski Ayu Anggreini, S.TP., M.Sc., Indah Fitriana Solichah, S.T.

Funding and Equipment Division: Rachmad Ramadhan Y, S.T., M.T., Yusron Falah, S.T.

Consumption Division: Husnul Yaqien, S.T., Erna Yuliani, Nia Tri Lestari, S.Kom

Transportation Division: Adi Suprapto, S.P.

Published: Nov 2, 2020

4th International Seminar of Research Month

International Seminar of Research Month (ISRM) serves as a platform of presentations and discussions of various researches and innovations, conducted by academic experts, students, researchers, and professionals.  These international seminars were held annually by the Institute of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat-LPPM) University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia. The ISRM 2019 was intended for academic experts, students, researchers, and professionals to discuss and present their latest scientific findings as well as to create further network opportunities among local and global communities.

The theme of ISRM 2019 is Global Society 5.0: Sciences, Innovations, and Social Economy Dynamics. Nowadays, Global Society 5.0 emerges as a new era for shifting habits and lives of communities in several aspects such as social, economics, culture, security, infrastructure, transportation, health, food, and others.  Global Society 5.0 was a suitable comprehensive strategy in facing global competition. In the Global Society 5.0 era, universities and academic experts, along with researchers, and professionals have a crucial role in developing knowledge through researches, and also creating a network that is beneficial in motivating and enhancing high-quality human capital.  The ISRM Seminar formulated a comprehensive strategy in developing science, technology, and innovation in facing up to the Global Society 5.0 era. We sincerely hope that this seminar would contribute in enhancing professional global network

Conference date: 2019-10-09
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia
Editor: 1. Rossyda Priyadarshini 2. Muchlisiniyati Safeyah 3. Ade Kusuma 4. Praja Firdaus Nuryananda 5. Nurul Azizah 6. Elly Syafriani 3. Maria Indira Aryani
Organizer: University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Sponsor: University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Published: 2020-05-18
ISSN: 2622-9692

Published: May 18, 2020

International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC)

This conference is intended for academics, practitioners, researchers and policy makers in various disciplines including Veterinary Medicine, Human medicine, Biotechnology, Biology, Animal Sciences, Life sciences, Natural sciences, as well as other fields related to infectious and zoonotic diseases ecology, adiagnoses and controls.?

Conference date: 2019-10-10
Location: Malang, Indonesia
Organizer: Brawijaya University
Sponsor: Brawijaya University
Published: 2020-03-09
ISSN: 2622-9692

Published: Mar 9, 2020

International Seminar of Research Month Science and Technology for People Empowerment.

The 7th International Seminar of Research Month (ISRM) 2018 is a seminar organized by the Institute of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat –LPPM) University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur. It is a science forum that brings together various experts from various background of science and technology to present, discuss, and solve problems using innovation and technology from their experiments. The inclusion of eco-friendly technology has become a mainstream in all research products, from policy, art, materials, and technology itself. All of those are utilized for the improvement of our ecosystem and for people empowerment.

This proceedings book is a miscellany of summaries of products from research and community services. We would like to express our gratitude to all keynote and plenary speakers, moderators, reviewers, presenters, and participants who have brought your expertise and contributed to the success of this year’s seminar. We would also like to thank the organizing committees during this event.

We sincerely hope that this seminar would contribute to a better Indonesia and the professional network that we have built will become stronger in the future. 

Conference date: 2018-11-23
Location: Surabaya – Indonesia, November 23rd, 2018
Editor: Editorial Board ISRM 2018
Organizer: Galaxy Science
Sponsor: Klinik Jurnal CAPA, Inbio Indonesia, Global Science, Nusantara Institute Science and Technology
Published: 2019-04-19
ISSN: 2622-9692


Published: Apr 19, 2019

International Seminar of Research Month Science and Technology in Publication, Implementation and Commercialization

Science and Technology have been very crucial aspects in the development of human kind. Science and Technology have also revolutionized human life, through its implementation, publication, and its commercialization. In regards to that, this event is being held every year as part of the integrated programme from our Research and Social Development Institution, to encourage further research developments and publications in science and technology. Furthermore, this seminar is expected to be an effective exchange of information for communication among the Government, Researcher, University College, Polytechnic, Industry, and Society as an effort to provide a significant contribution for the national industrial development strategy in the sector of science and technology. UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur is very pleased to hold this seminar in supporting our agenda of Research Month. We believe this seminar is a great opportunity for all delegates to discuss the existing problems and find solutions concerning the science and technology issues. It is gratifying to note that the agenda of the seminar covering a wide range of very interesting items relating to the theme

Conference date: 2017-11-02
Location: Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
Editor: Dr. Ir. Sukendah, MSc Dr. Ir. Rossyda Priyadarshini, MP Ir. Eva Elviana, MT Euis Nurul Hidayah, S
Organizer: Galaxy Science
Sponsor: Klinik Jurnal CAPA, Inbio Indonesia, Global Science, Nusantara Institute Science and Technology
Published: 2018-08-27
ISSN: 2622-9692

Published: Aug 27, 2018