Science and Technology Proceedings2025-03-02T08:07:07+00:00Didik H. Utomo, Ph.Deditor.nst@futuresciencepress.comOpen Journal Systems<p>NST Proceeding (E-ISSN 2622-9692) supports regional research communities to globalize their findings in Science and Technology by providing open access, an online platform in line with international publishing standards, and indexing scholarly conference proceedings.</p> <p>The current emphasis of the NST Proceeding includes (but is not limited to) the following areas: Economics, Medicine, Engineering, Social Science, Business Management, Computer Science, Surgery, Dentistry, Humanities, Material Science, Earth Science, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture. etc.</p> <p>All conference papers published on the NST Proceeding are fully Open Access. Open Access publications are freely and permanently available online to any reader, anywhere in the world without a subscription to the publications in which these articles are published.</p> <p>Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium are permitted, provided the author/editor is properly attributed.</p> <p>NST Proceeding will provide high-quality peer review by scientific comittee and proofreading service by native speaker to make sure the language quality. We are the best in rapid publication processes for the open access content, maximum visibility and all-time availability for the published articles, citation tracking and indexing in a variety of databases.</p> Cost Analysis Sugarcane Cultivation in East Java – Indonesia2024-11-22T11:57:18+00:00M Samsul Arifienmsamsularifien12@gmail.comTeguh Soedartomsamsularifien12@gmail.comHamidah Hendrarinimsamsularifien12@gmail.comEko<p>The opportunity cost for sugar cane farmers is the choice of cultivating sugar cane as a farming activity to support their livelihoods. Farming of other crops is not chosen, rejected, sacrificed. as opportunity costs. Farmers choose sugar cane as a commodity without choosing alternative crops that can be cultivated in the same location. Alternative crops are rice and corn, which can be competitors considering profits. To find out how much opportunity costs or sacrifices are made by sugar cane farmers, this research was carried out. The research method used is quantitative by calculating the income of sugar cane farmers and the income of rice and corn farming. The research was carried out in 4 districts of Sidorjo, Tulungagung, Ngawi, Situbodo, with a sample size of 120 respondents. The results of the research show that the Opportunity Cost value for sugar cane farmers in East Java is IDR 31,618,062 if the farmers plant rice and corn. Sugarcane farming is less profitable because it earns lower income, namely IDR 25,993,750,00.</p>2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M Samsul Arifien, Teguh Soedarto, Hamidah Hendrarini, Eko Nurhadi Docking Analysis of Zerumbone Derivatives as XIAP-BIR3 Inhibitor for Anticancer Agent2024-12-04T13:39:27+00:00Winni Nur Yulianti A`yun Adzkiya Mubarak Naila Dhiya<p>Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide. Common therapies used to treat cancer include radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. However, resistance to treatment often gives a challenging problem, and new alternative therapies derived from natural compounds are needed. Zerumbone is terpenoid compound with various biological activities, including anti-tumor and anti-cancer. This study aims to investigate the activity of Zerumbone and its derivatives against the XIAP-BIR3 protein. The target protein used PDB ID: 4KMP as inhibitor of XIAP-BIR3. There are 21 zerumbon derivatives retrieved from published article. Docking of zerumbone derivatives was performed using Autodock 1.5.6. Molecular docking result showed derivative 6 of Zerumbone has potential as an anti-cancer agent with a binding energy of -7.84 kcal/mol; meanwhile, the reference inhibitor has a binding energy of -5.21 kcal/mol. These results of the study indicate that the development of inhibitor XIAP-BIR3 may be a potential strategy in cancer treatment and zerumbone derivatives are predicted to be potential candidates that can be analyzed further.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Winni Nur Auli, Nisa Yulianti Suprahman, Riri Fauziyya, Sarmoko, Arif Ashari, Safia Fazila, Qurrota A`yun Azzahrah, Romualdo Pasaribu, Putri Liswatini, Ihza Adzkiya Mubarak Al-Husni, Dinda Naila Dhiya Salsabila Economic Determinants of Foreign Exchange Reserve Fluctuations in Indonesia2024-12-19T15:15:25+00:00Dea<p>This research examines the economic factors that drive fluctuations in Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves, concentrating on external debt, global trade activities (exports and imports), and the exchange rate of the Rupiah against the US Dollar. By utilizing secondary data obtained from the World Bank, the research applies multiple linear regression analysis through EViews 12 to assess the influence of these critical variables on foreign exchange reserves. The findings reveal a significant correlation between external debt, exports, and imports with changes in foreign exchange reserves, whereas the exchange rate shows no notable influence. The regression model accounts for 95.81% of the variation in Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves, underscoring external debt, exports, and imports as pivotal factors, while the exchange rate plays a relatively minor role. These insights are crucial for policymakers aiming to ensure economic stability.</p>2024-12-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dea Rustami, Septriani Septriani Inflammatory and Wound Healing Potential of Liverwort Extract and Collagen-Transdermal Patch in Diabetic Rats2025-01-16T20:32:44+00:00Pasha Zaki Ilmanyrfatimah@thursinaiibs.sch.idMuhammad Rafi Althaf Wiratararfatimah@thursinaiibs.sch.idRatu<p>Patients with diabetes often experience impaired wound healing, which is associated with intense inflammation. Liverwort extract is rich in secondary metabolites with anti-inflammatory properties, while collagen is crucial for skin regeneration and wound healing. This study investigated the effect of a transdermal patch containing liverwort extract and collagen derived from tilapia bones on inflammation and wound healing in diabetic rats. A completely randomized design was used, consisting of eight groups in total: a normal control group (C) on a standard diet, a negative control group (NC) injected with alloxan at a dose of 120 mg/kg body weight, a positive control group (PC) injected with alloxan and treated with a transdermal patch containing an antibiotic, and five groups injected with alloxan and treated with transdermal patches containing different ratios of liverwort extract and collagen for 14 days. An analysis of variance was used for all data with 5% significance levels (<em>p<0.05</em>). The results showed that alloxan significantly increased blood sugar levels, confirming that the rats were in a diabetic condition. Wound healing was compared among the non-diabetic group, the diabetic group, and the diabetic-treated groups, with significant differences observed. The percentage of white blood cells observed in peripheral blood smear examinations was significantly lower in the diabetic-treated groups compared to the diabetic group, indicating substantial improvement. An increased number of white blood cells is associated with greater inflammation. The topical application of the liverwort and collagen transdermal patch reduced this effect. These findings indicate that the liverwort and collagen transdermal patch has the potential for reducing inflammation and promoting wound healing.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pasha Zaki Ilmany, Muhammad Rafi Althaf Wiratara, Ratu Fatimah Marketing among Coconut Sugar Traders, Main Suppliers, and Main Customers 2025-01-22T14:42:34+00:00Rudhiana Agustine<p>This study aims to analyze relationship marketing among coconut sugar traders in Tonjongsari Village, Cikalong District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, and their main suppliers and customers. The analytical method used is the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, which is suitable for paired ordinal data. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS 26 software. The analysis results show significant differences in the dimensions of trust, satisfaction, and dependence between suppliers and customers, with significance values of 0.038, 0.018, and 0.031, respectively, while the commitment dimension did not show a significant difference (0.713). The categorization results indicate that all relationship marketing dimensions are in the high category, both for the traders' perceptions of the main suppliers and customers. This study concludes that traders have better relationships with customers than with suppliers in terms of trust, satisfaction, and dependence, although commitment did not show significant differences. These findings provide insights for improving relationship marketing strategies in the future.</p>2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rudhiana Salam, Metty Agustine Primary, Rahmat Stem Cell Transplant as Symptomatic Treatment for Myasthenia Gravis: A Literature Review2025-01-27T12:15:45+00:00Jessica Amadea Sutrisnothio.jessy@gmail.comYani Andryanithio.jessy@gmail.comNi Luh Airin Gita<p>Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune neurological disorder that impairs communication at the neuromuscular junction. Over the past seven decades, its global incidence has steadily increased. Approximately 10–20% of MG patients do not respond adequately to or cannot tolerate conventional treatments. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which are multipotent cells capable of producing all blood cell types and restoring the hematopoietic system, are being explored as a therapeutic option. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is under investigation as a potential treatment for severe and refractory MG, with ongoing research aimed at enhancing its safety, and efficacy, and identifying optimal candidates for the therapy. This paper aimed to evaluate the efficacy of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) as a therapeutic option for managing symptomatic myasthenia gravis (MG), especially in cases unresponsive to conventional therapies. A systematic search identified five studies, comprising two cohort studies and three case reports. Most patients in these studies demonstrated promising improvement following HSCT treatment, as indicated by a reduction in MGFA scores and improved clinical manifestations during follow-up assessments. This treatment approach has demonstrated significant potential. However, the current studies are susceptive to bias, and more preclinical research along with high-quality clinical trials, large-scale are required to determine if this emerging treatment can meet the anticipated outcomes.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jessica Amadea Sutrisno, Yani Andryani, Ni Luh Airin Gita Devinda to Zero-Emission Vehicles for Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities: Evidence from California2025-02-06T08:41:08+00:00Galih Bramudyas Yogaswaragalih.bramudyas@gmail.comYanzhen<p>This study assesses California's Clean Cars for All (CC4A) program, which seeks to improve access to clean-energy vehicles for low-income residents and reduce emissions. The research examines two questions: (1) How effective is CC4A in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality? and (2) What factors influence participants' choice of vehicle type—conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid (PHEV), or zero-emission vehicle (ZEV)? Using participant data from the California Air Resources Board (n=3,497) from January 2022 to June 2023, the study applies multinomial logistic regression to identify car choice determinants. Findings indicate that CC4A effectively reduces emissions. Higher-income participants are more likely to choose ZEVs or PHEVs, while larger households tend to select conventional vehicles, likely due to limited ZEV options for larger family needs. Participants in disadvantaged communities show a preference for PHEVs over ZEVs, with notable geographic variation—Bay Area residents prefer ZEVs, whereas Central Valley residents favor PHEVs. Key limitations include data gaps, such as missing participant age and education data, and underrepresented geographic areas. The study concludes that while CC4A promotes clean transportation, further steps could enhance program impact. Recommendations include reducing cost barriers for ZEVs, expanding charging infrastructure in low-income areas, and increasing affordable ZEV options for larger households. These insights support policymakers in improving clean transportation access for underserved communities.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Galih Bramudyas Yogaswara, Yanzhen Guan Sustainability in the Management Zones of Mounts Timpoong-Hibok Hibok Natural Monument, Philippines2025-02-10T03:15:38+00:00Alexander N.<p>Social sustainability is an interdisciplinary approach that ensures human needs are attainable by all and resources are available to all in the community. The study aims to assess the sustainability of social aspects in the multiple-use zone and the buffer zone of Mts Timpoong-Hibok Hibok Natural Monument, Camiguin, Philippines to serve as the basis for sustainable management of the area. The main methods used are descriptive surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. It also utilized the Basic Social Sustainability Assessment System using 5 criteria and 9 indicators with the Sustainability Index from 0 (lowest level) to 1 (highest level). Among the criteria considered for social sustainability in the upland farming communities, the infrastructure of 0.88 is considered sustainable; Access to basic services reached 0.71 and Population 0.81 at a fairly sustainable level, economic criteria reached 0.411 at an average sustainable level, the lowest was the criterion on educational conditions at 0.273 at a less sustainable level. Based on the analysis of social sustainability factors, a comprehensive, and participatory development plan should be put into place by all stakeholders.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alexander N. Morados of Crustaceans in Intertidal Zone at Kukup Beach, Gunungkidul2025-02-28T10:45:55+00:00Sri Yuliananda Nadya Noel Ainun Muna Putria<p>Indonesian waters are famous for their diversity of marine biota. Crustaceans are one of the many marine biota found, especially in the coastal intertidal zone. The waters off the south coast of Java are characterized by large waves and currents. Kukup Beach is one of the beaches located in the area of D. I. Yogyakarta with a flat and undulating beach shape with a narrow intertidal zone. Crustaceans have an important role in coastal ecosystems as bioindicators and omnivore predators. However, not many studies have been conducted to determine the diversity of crustaceans in Kukup Beach. The purpose of this research was to study and determine the diversity of crustaceans in the intertidal zone of Kukup Beach. Sampling and collection were conducted on March 11, 2023, with a systematic sampling method through a belt transect approach. The results showed that 8 families of Crustacea were found in Kukup Beach, namely Alpheidae, Majidae, Pilumnidae, Grapsidae, Portunidae, Oziidae, Xanthidae, and Diogenidae. The result of the calculation of the spesies richness index (R) of Crustacea in the intertidal zone at Kukup Beach was 3,69.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Setyaningrum, Azwa Yuliananda Pangestuti, Callista Nadya Noel Pasaribu, Ibnu Ainun Munajib, Naely Muna Camelia, Safaa Azahra, Tiara Putria Judith, Rury Eprilurahman Activity of Extract from Rhizophora mucronata Endophytic Fungi Solid Fermentation Against Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacter aerogenes2025-03-02T08:07:07+00:00Nurul Wafawappwaff@gmail.comPrasetyawan Yuniantowappwaff@gmail.comTri Dewanti<p>Endophytic fungi, such as <em>Rhizophora mucronata</em>, can produce bioactive compounds from secondary metabolites that have the potential to become alternative antibiotics. This study aims to determine the activity of solid fermentation extract of mangrove endophytic fungi <em>Rhizopora mucronata</em> on the inhibition of bacteria <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> and <em>Enterobacter aerogenes</em>. The extracts were fermented using rice media for 21 days and tested for antibacterial activity using disc diffusion method. Two of the five fermented extracts inhibited the growth of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> and <em>Enterobacter aerogenes</em> bacteria, namely codes ARM1M1 and DRM3M3. KLT-Bioautography was performed on isolate ARM1M1 to identify compounds that have antibacterial activity. Fermentation time variations were conducted at 0, 4, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 21 days. The disc diffusion method antibacterial test was carried out again to find out on which day of fermentation the extract actively inhibited bacterial activity and HPLC analysis was carried out to determine the retention time of the compound. As a result, <em>Aspergillus</em> sp. from <em>Rhizophora mucronata</em> code ARM1M1 showed the best inhibition against <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> and <em>Enterobacter aerogenes</em> bacteria on day 20 of fermentation, with a retention time of 35 minutes, and an Rf value of 0.4.</p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Wafa, Prasetyawan Yunianto, Tri Dewanti Widyaningsih