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Evaluation Usage of Interactive Quiz Reproductive Systems Based on Usability in Prospective UKMPPD Students
Corresponding Author(s) : Winarto
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings,
4th Riau Medical Scientific and Expo 2022
The use of information technology and interactive multimedia in education is very important. The example of interactive multimedia or e-learning is an interactive quiz. There is multimedia that is easy to use, but sometime it make users confused. High usability of interactive application materials is an important element in ensuring maximum educational impact. This study aims to evaluate the usability, acceptance of interactive quiz media. This research was conducted on 20 student respondents of prospective UKMPPD participants. Interactive quiz media tested using reproductive system materials. Evaluation of interactive quizzes through usability testing with system usability scale (SUS) and user experience questionnaire (UEQ). User acceptance based on SUS is 72 with an acceptability rate in the acceptable category, a grade scale in the "C" category, which is quite good and an adjective rating in the good category. There are three categories of user acceptance based on UEQ with excellent predicates, namely attractiveness, accuracy and stimulation. There are two categories with the predicate good, namely clarity and novelty and one category with the predicate above average, namely efficiency. Assessment based on quality gets results above average on pragmatic quality, excellent on hedonic quality and excellent on overall quality. The measurement of user acceptance with the SUS and UEQ questionnaires obtained “acceptable” in terms of acceptability ranges, C in terms of grades scale, “good” in terms of adjective rating, “excellent” in terms of hedonic quality and “above average” in terms of pragmatic quality.
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