Through its Research Institute, YARSI University continues to develop science and technology research which is realized in six research centers, namely the E-Health Research Center, Genomics Research Center, Herbal Research Center, Stem Cell Research Center, Telomere Research Center, and Halal Research Center. The activities to be held consist of two major themes, namely the first National Seminar "Basic and Applied Science Conference (BASC) 2021: Research Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0", then the second is "Dissemination of Research Results". Through "BASC 2021" with the theme "Industrial Revolution 4.0" it is hoped that it can add insight to the participants and motivate lecturers and researchers to continue to innovate in developing science and technology research that has many national benefits so that later it can integrate with industrial stakeholders. Meanwhile, the "Dissemination of Research Results" activity is expected to be a forum for participants to present their research results, brainstorm knowledge to other researchers, and publish research results in national and international journals.
Published: Jan 5, 2022