International Seminar of Research Month (ISRM) serves as a platform of presentations and discussions of various researches and innovations, conducted by academic experts, students, researchers, and professionals.  These international seminars were held annually by the Institute of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat-LPPM) University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia. The ISRM 2019 was intended for academic experts, students, researchers, and professionals to discuss and present their latest scientific findings as well as to create further network opportunities among local and global communities.

The theme of ISRM 2019 is Global Society 5.0: Sciences, Innovations, and Social Economy Dynamics. Nowadays, Global Society 5.0 emerges as a new era for shifting habits and lives of communities in several aspects such as social, economics, culture, security, infrastructure, transportation, health, food, and others.  Global Society 5.0 was a suitable comprehensive strategy in facing global competition. In the Global Society 5.0 era, universities and academic experts, along with researchers, and professionals have a crucial role in developing knowledge through researches, and also creating a network that is beneficial in motivating and enhancing high-quality human capital.  The ISRM Seminar formulated a comprehensive strategy in developing science, technology, and innovation in facing up to the Global Society 5.0 era. We sincerely hope that this seminar would contribute in enhancing professional global network

Conference date: 2019-10-09
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia
Editor: 1. Rossyda Priyadarshini 2. Muchlisiniyati Safeyah 3. Ade Kusuma 4. Praja Firdaus Nuryananda 5. Nurul Azizah 6. Elly Syafriani 3. Maria Indira Aryani
Organizer: University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Sponsor: University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Published: 2020-05-18
ISSN: 2622-9692

Published: May 18, 2020

Analysis of Corporate Governance Based on The Agency Theory

May 18, 2020
I. Wikartika, Fajar Syaiful Akbar

A Systematic Literature Review of Factors Caused Academic Fraud Behavior

May 18, 2020
Dwi Suhartini, Hero Priono, Astrini Aning Widoretno, Galuh Tiaramurti

Sinergity of Ethical Aspects and State Defense Characters to Accounting Competency

May 18, 2020
G. S. Budiwitjaksono, Indrawati Yuhertiana, Luqita Romaisyah

Development of Etawa Goat Milk Results in Telemung Village

May 18, 2020
Kustini Kustini, Sri Winarti, Supriyono, Alfiandi Imam Mawardi

Analysis of the Determinant Effects Stress of Students that Working on Thesis

May 18, 2020
Supriyono, Luqita Romaisyah, Alfiandi Imam Mawardi

The Role of Servicescape and Perceived Sacrifice on Loyalty Intentions University Students

May 18, 2020
Wilma Cordelia Izaak, Ronggo Alit

The Actualization of the Autonomous Norms of Village Regulations in Sekaran Lamongan Sub-District in Accommodating Village Needs in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

May 18, 2020
Adhitya Widya Kartika

Forest Management Model Based on Community Participation Under the Provisions of Forestry Law in the KPH Saradan, Madiun, East Java

May 18, 2020
Eko Wahyudi, Anajeng Esri Edhi Mahanani, Rohmatul Faizah

Direct Consultation and Virtual Consultation in the framework for Management BUMDES for Optimization of Financial in Sekaran, Loceret, Nganjuk, East Java

May 18, 2020
Eko Wahyudi, Anajeng Esri Edhi Mahanani, Rohmatul Faizah

Development of Electronic Network as a Media Strengthening Autonomy of Sekaran Village, Loceret District, Nganjuk Regency in Order to Fulfill the Mandate of Law

May 18, 2020
Fauzan Aliwarman, Rohmatul Faizah

Anti-Corruption Behavior Education for Children to Prevent Corruption as Extraordinary Crime in the City of Surabaya

May 18, 2020
Mas Anienda Tien Fitriyah, Novia Ayu Permatasari Permatasari

Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Rural Village in Subdistrict Sekaran Lamongan District

May 18, 2020
Sutrisno, Adhitya Widya Kartika

The Effectiveness of Awig-Awig as Customary Law in Balinese Culture (Case Study: The Coastal Areas and Plains)

May 18, 2020
W. Yulianingsih, Aldira Mara Ditta C. P., Waluyo

Legal Assistance Related to Land Dispute Handling in Jogomerto Village, Nganjuk District

May 18, 2020
W. Yulianingsih, Aldira Mara Ditta C. P., Tiara Widyaputri, Waluyo

Marketing Improvement through Online Marketplace Usage Training for Micro-Business in Jati Village, Tuban

May 18, 2020
Amalia Anjani Arifiyanti, Nurjanti Takarini, Rohmatul Faizah, Anajeng Esri Edhi Mahanani

Class Attendance System Using The Multiple Face Recognition Technique (Case Study: UPN

May 18, 2020
Budi Nugroho, Wahyu S.J. Saputra, Eva Yulia Puspaningrum

SILEGION (Sistem Informasi Legalisir Ijazah Online) At Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java

May 18, 2020
Faisal Muttaqin, Fawwaz Ali Akbar, Retno Mumpuni

Analysis of Supervised Learning Methods on Artificial Neural Networks

May 18, 2020
Fetty Tri Anggraeny, Intan Yuniar Purbasari, Radical Rakhman

Realtime Student Information Center Application Based on Telegram Bot Case Study at the Faculty of Computer Science, UPN “Veteran” East Java

May 18, 2020
Rizki Parlika, Arista Pratama

Android-Based Area Mapping in the Village of Kampunganyar - Banyuwangi

May 18, 2020
Mohammad Idhom, Budi Nugroho, Eva Yulia Puspaningrum

Analysis and Design of Entrepreneurship Information System as Student Business Unit Marketplace (Case Study: Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java)

May 18, 2020
Arista Pratama, Siti Mukaromah, Syurfah Ayu Ithriah, Rizky Parlika

E-Commerce Web Based Application for UMKM Products of Rejowinangun Village, Kademangan District, Blitar Regency

May 18, 2020
Chrystia Aji Putra, Ronggo Alit, Yisti Vita Via

Assignment of Reviewers and Litdimas Assessment Process on Sirip UPN “Veteran” East Java

May 18, 2020
Chrystia Aji Putra, Ronggo Alit

Nature Potential and Micro, Small, Medium Entreprise (MSMES) In the Development of Ecotourism Areas in Gombengsari Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi Regency

May 18, 2020
Sugiarto, Ertien Rining Nawangsari

Utilization of Google Classroom in Vocational High School as E-Learning Based Learning

May 18, 2020
Syurfah Ayu Ithriah, Tri Lathif Mardi Suryanto, Rizka Hadiwiyanti

Society Empowerment Using Assistance 6 in Tasikmadu with Bakso Ikan

May 18, 2020
Budi Prabowo, Didiek Tranggono, Praja Firdaus Nuryananda

Riding Globalization: Bancak Salak and The Remaining Identity

May 18, 2020
Herlinda Suksmawati, Dias Pabyantara, Praja Firdaus Nuryananda

The Effect of Agricultural Technology on Shifts in Cultural Values in Rural Communities

May 18, 2020
Rizki Kurniawan, Andayu Farah Devani, Hasri Maghfiruotin Nisa

Empowerment in Household Mother Group in Shredded Scallops Production of Shell in Segoro Tambak Village, Sedati Sub-district, Sidoarjo District

May 18, 2020
Diana Hertati, Nurhadi

Accountability of Village Financial Management and Community Participation in The Development of Web-Based Village Government Information System in Sidoarjo East Java District

May 18, 2020
Diana Hertati, Nurhadi

ABCD Model Implemented to Underdeveloped Villages in Trenggalek Regency

May 18, 2020
Didiek Tranggono, Praja Firdaus Nuryananda, Andre Yusuf Trisna Putra

Community Empowerment in the Development of Local Home Industrial Businesses Based in Licin Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency

May 18, 2020
Didiek Tranggono, Ririn Puspita Tutiasri

Public Service Model Development Strategy the Quality in the Sub-Districts in The Government of The Sidoarjo Regency

May 18, 2020
Lukman Arif, Diana Hartati

Strengthening Brand Knowledge through Brand Orientation and Brand Involvement

May 18, 2020
Rafidah Salma Mardhiyah, Nurul Azizah

Empowerment Group of Women Farmers in The Abon Making Business With The Basic Materials From The Heart of Banana in Village Dompyong Bendungan Sub District Trenggalek District

May 18, 2020
Tukiman, Ertien Rining, Andre Yusuf Trisna

Women Empowerment through Production and Online Marketing Training of Wingko Babat Based on Cassava in Baturono Village, Sukodadi, Lamongan

May 18, 2020
Yudiana Indriastuti, Herlina Suksmawati

Bamboonimics in Tegaren Village

May 18, 2020
Jojok Dwiridhotjahjono, Prihandono Wibowo, Praja Firdaus Nuryananda

Potential of Multientomopa Streptomyces sp. and Tripchoderma sp. in Potato Extract Broth and Glucose Nitrate Broth Media on Pests (Spodoptera litura) Eating Behavior by in Vitro Test

May 18, 2020
Ika Nur Fitriana, Penta Suryaminarsih, Tri Mujoko

The Role of In Vitro Cultute Methods of Cammelia sinensis L. Plants in the Global Society Transformation

May 18, 2020
Sutini, Widiwuriani, Guniarti, Agus Purwanto

Use of Vermicompost and Refugia Plants in Organic Agriculture in Kuluran Village, Kali Tengah, Lamongan

May 18, 2020
Moch. Arifin, Nony Rahmadiny

Application of Biological Organic Fertilizers Towards P Dosage Reduction in Shallot Cultivation

May 18, 2020
Moch. Arifin, Tri Mujoko

Socialization of Pamelo Cultivation Based on Biopesticides: a Community Service to Develop Organic Pamelo Tourism Village in Tambakmas Village, Sub-District Sukomoro, Magetan Sukomoro, Magetan Regency.

May 18, 2020
Sri Wiyatiningsih, Wiwik Sri Harijani, Wahyu Santoso, Riko Setya Wijaya

Competitiveness and Processing of Processed Cocoa Industry in Improving the Welfare of People’s Cocoa Farmers in East Java

May 18, 2020
Gyska Indah Harya, Sudiyarto, Gideon Setya Budiwitjaksono, Markus Patiung

Characteristics of Taman Sari Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi Based on Village Build Index (IDM)

May 18, 2020
Rossyda Priyadarshini, Maroeto, Wahyu Santoso

Study of the Use of Probiotics in Provision of Nutrition of Kale Plant (Ipomonea aquatica) in Aquaponic Planting Systems

May 18, 2020
Setya Budi Santoso, Hadi Suhardjono Guniarti

The Influence of Some Types of Biological Agent Formula and the Different Application Time on the Population of the Biological Agent Bacteria and The Chili Plants

May 18, 2020
Yenny Wuryandari, Sri Wiyatiningsih Suwandi

Training and Mentoring of Making Corn Catfish Nougat in Sambiyan Village, Bangkalan, Madura

May 18, 2020
Rosida, Diah Hari Suryaningrum, Ulya Sarofa

The Processing of Coconut Oil into Solid Soap and Liquid Soap in Cangkarman Village, Bangkalan, Madura

May 18, 2020
Sintha Soraya Santi, Rosida

The Application of Total Physical Response (TPR) Method in English Basic Learning for Early Children in TK/KB Al-Ikhlas Tenggilis-Surabaya

May 18, 2020
Sumiati, Kinanti Resmi Hayati

Adsorption Capacity of Activated Carbon of Peanut Shells on Fe Removal

May 18, 2020
Agil Harnowo Putra, Miftahul Jannah, Euis Nurul Hidayah, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho

Effect of Power and Feed to Solvent Ratio Toward Yield of Essential Oil from Crystal Guava Leaves (Psidium guajava) Using Microwave Hydroditillation

May 18, 2020
Caecilia Pujiastuti, Nove Kartika Erliyanti, Anugerah Dany Priyanto

Handycrafts from Corncob and Glyserol Plasticizer

May 18, 2020
Firra Rosariawari, Novirina Hendrasarie, Tiara Mohamad Mirwan

Modification of Colocasia esculenta Starch with Acetylation Process

May 18, 2020
Dedin Finatsiyatull Rosida, Risha Yuliani, Sri Djajati

Online Business Training in Marketplace for Beginner for Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya

May 18, 2020
Dira Ernawati, Tranggono

Bridging Educational Equity Through ICT Learning: Lessons from Learning Behaviour and Challenges in Welcoming ICT of Children at a Rural Area

May 18, 2020
Adi Suryani, Soedarso, Moh. Saifulloh, Marsudi

‘Pick-them-Up’, an Android Based Application to Shorten School Shuttle Time

May 18, 2020
Slamet Winardi, Tresna Maulana Fahrudin, Benediktus Anindito, Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko

Uses and Gratification of Community Radio: A Case Study of Petra Campus Radio

May 18, 2020
Halim Adiputra Setiawan, Grace Gerungan, Astri Yogatama

Feasibility and Sensitivity Study of Big Chilli Farm Business in Jember Regency

May 18, 2020
Muhammad Firdaus, Suherman, Farid Wahyudi, Ahmad Sauqi, Nanda Widaninggar

Capability and Resources in Reaching Advantages of Competition of Small and Medium Enterprises

May 18, 2020
Suwignyo Widagdo, Emy Kholifah R, Yuniorita Indah Handayani

Implementation of Research Results in Preparing a Housing Planning Textbook

May 18, 2020
Sri Suryani Yuprapti Winarsih, Muchlisiniyati Safeyah, Lily Syahrial

Development of the Image of the Coastal Area of Surabaya as Improving Regional Economic Potential and Support Surabaya City Government Development Program

May 18, 2020
Tri Aphief Artanto, Aryo Bayu Wibisono

Designing Green Space for Improving the Quality of Streetscape of Rungkut Madya Surabaya

May 18, 2020
Heru Prasetiyo Utomo, Wiwik Dwi Susanti, Fairuz Mutia

The Power of Folktale: Tackling the Marketing Gap by Preserving the Authentic Rendeng Village Pottery Designs

May 18, 2020
Adibah Nurul Yunisya, Heru Prasetiyo Utomo

Character Design with The Values of Bela Negara for Kindergarten Students in Surabaya

May 18, 2020
Aileena Solicitor Costa Rica El Chidtian, Mahimma Romadhona, Roziana Febrianita

Applied Promotion Technology in CV Bintang Abadi to Advance and Improve Tecnopreurship Batik Products Klampar

May 18, 2020
Aryo Bayu Wibisono, Aphief Tri Artanto, Heru Subiyantoro

The Concept of Cross Ventilation in the Type of House Growing Model 21m2

May 18, 2020
Dyan Agustin, Niniek Anggriani, Erwin Djuni

Training on Processing Shellfish Waste into Handicraft Products and Paving Blocks for Youth in The Tambak Oso Sidoarjo

May 18, 2020
Dyan Agustin, Okik Hendriyanto, Erwin Djuni

The Influence of Balcony Railing Form Quality Visual Fasade of Flat House

May 18, 2020
Erwin Djuni, Dyan Agustin, Niniek Anggriani

Forming Identiy of the Fish-Market Area in Kalanganyar Sidoarjo Through Signage Design

May 18, 2020
Mohammad Pranoto Soedjarwo, Fairuz Mutia, Lily Syahrial

Flow Infographic Models to Communicate Information

May 18, 2020
Widyasari, Aditya Rahman Yani

Metagenomic Sequencing Analysis and Microbial Identification on Various Landcover

May 18, 2020
Rossyda Priyadarshini, Elly Syafriani, Medina Uli Alba Somala, Amir Hamzah

Mapping Sea Surface Temperature and Its Correlation with The Acidity of Sea Water on the Coast of Kwanyar Madura Island

May 18, 2020
Siti Zainab, Novie Handajani, Hendrata Wibisana

Synthesis and Characteristics of Calcium Phosphate from White Mussel Shell

May 18, 2020
Srie Muljani, Ketut Sumada, Nove Kartika