The 7th International Seminar of Research Month (ISRM) 2018 is a seminar organized by the Institute of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat –LPPM) University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur. It is a science forum that brings together various experts from various background of science and technology to present, discuss, and solve problems using innovation and technology from their experiments. The inclusion of eco-friendly technology has become a mainstream in all research products, from policy, art, materials, and technology itself. All of those are utilized for the improvement of our ecosystem and for people empowerment.
This proceedings book is a miscellany of summaries of products from research and community services. We would like to express our gratitude to all keynote and plenary speakers, moderators, reviewers, presenters, and participants who have brought your expertise and contributed to the success of this year’s seminar. We would also like to thank the organizing committees during this event.
We sincerely hope that this seminar would contribute to a better Indonesia and the professional network that we have built will become stronger in the future.
Conference date: 2018-11-23
Location: Surabaya – Indonesia, November 23rd, 2018
Editor: Editorial Board ISRM 2018
Organizer: Galaxy Science
Sponsor: Klinik Jurnal CAPA, Inbio Indonesia, Global Science, Nusantara Institute Science and Technology
Published: 2019-04-19
ISSN: 2622-9692
Published: Apr 19, 2019