Kegiatan Seminar Nasional PS Magister Agroteknologi FP-UPNVJT dimaksudkan untuk mengeksplorasi informasi terbaru atas hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan perubahan iklim dan dampak negatif (tantangan) serta upaya penyelesaiannya untuk ketahanan pangan global. Sehingga diperoleh suatu strategi efektif yang dapat diimplementasikan di seluruh negara dengan memperhatikan kemungkinan kerusakan terkecil terhadap lingkungan yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan “Revolusi Perubahan Iklim”. Adapun tujuan Seminar Nasional PS Magister Agroteknologi FP-UPNVJT adalah :
a. Sebagai wadah dan wahana dialog interaktif beberapa komunitas yang menekuni bidang perubahan iklim, lingkungan, dan pertanian.
b. Mendiskusikan dan mengkomunikasikan hasil penelitian terkait perubahan iklim terhadap tanaman pangan sehingga terwujud suatu keadaan yang memenuhi kebutuhan pangan (ketahanan pangan) global.
c. Menyebarluaskan (diseminasi) hasil penelitian dan pengetahuan tentang perubahan iklim di bidang pertanian.
d. Terjalinnya jaringan informasi lintas sektoral (praktisi, akademisi, pengusaha, dan pemerhati) dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan secara global.

Pelaksanaan Seminar : 29 September 2020

Informasi lengkap seminar:


Published: Dec 20, 2020

Potential of Siamese Weeds (Chromolaena adorate (L) R. M. King dan H.Robinson) as Bioherbisides

Dec 11, 2020
Siti Muzaiyanah

The Study of Color Spectrum Curs Value Against Sunlight Color and Artificial Light for Plant Growth

Dec 11, 2020
Juli Santoso , Hadi Suhardjono, Agricia Wattimury

Agroforestry as Climate Change Mitigation

Dec 11, 2020
Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti

In Vitro Culture Technology for the Production of Secondary Metabolites and the Development of Plants That are Resistant to Climate Change

Dec 11, 2020
Sutini, Widiwurjani, Nora Augustien, Guniarti, Didik Huswo Pribadi, Djoko Agus Purwanto, Wirda Muslihatin

Seed Production Strategy in Facing Climate Change

Dec 11, 2020

The Effect of Kinds of Plant Media Contaminated with Factory Waste on Vegetative Growth of Corn Plant (Zea mays) and Rice Plant (Oriza Sativa)

Dec 11, 2020
David Sousa , Wanti Mindari, Nora Augustien

Diversity of Insects Useful Rice in Refugia Plants Around Organic Rice Fields in Ngompro Vilage, Ngawi Regency

Dec 11, 2020
Wiwin Windriyanti , Tri Mujoko, Tesha Lutfika Ratri

Knowledge and Adaptation of Vegetable Farmers in Kerato Village, Unter Iwes District, Sumbawa in Facing the Phenomenon of Climate Change

Dec 11, 2020
Ieke Wulan Ayu , Ikhlas Suhada, Soemarno

The Effect of Temperature Pressure on Multiantagonists Streptomyces sp., Tricho-derma sp. Biological Control of Fusarium oxysporum Wilt Pathogens

Dec 11, 2020
Penta Suryaminarsih , Dita Megasari, Tri Mujoko

Apprearance of Mutan Corn (Zea mays L.) Strains and Genetic Correlation Between Characters

Dec 11, 2020
Makhziah, Sukartiningrum, Ahmad Surya Adi Tama

The Role of the Community in the Population of the Javanese Eagle (Nisaetus bar-telsi) in the Mount Picis Ponorogo Nature Reserve Area

Dec 11, 2020
Lina Yuliamalia, Sunarto, Trisni Utami

Identification of the Condition the Sugarcane Supply Chain at the Wringin Anom Sugar Factory, Situbondo Regency

Dec 11, 2020
Andina Mayangsari

Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) as a Source of Organic Matter in Potato Cultivation

Dec 11, 2020
F. Deru Dewanti , Yonny Koetjoro, Didik Utomo Pribadi

Measurement of Carbon Stock and Soil Characteristics Reviewed from Coastline in the Mangrove Wonorejo Forest, Surabaya

Dec 11, 2020
Moch Arifin , Argananta Pratama Widijanto

Gamma 60Co Ray Irradiation on the Diversity of Two Varieties of Onion Red (Allium ascalonicum L) TSS (True Shallot Seed)

Dec 11, 2020
Ida Retno Moeljani, Hadi Suhardjono, Djarwatiningsih

Study of growth and yield of several sources of indonesian konjac (Amorphophallus onchophyllus) seedling by CPPU treatments

Dec 19, 2020
Ramdan Hidayat

Content of Abscisic Acid and Potassium as Drought Stress Indicator on Soybean

Jan 3, 2021
Yonny Koentjoro, F. Deru Dewanti, Sukendah