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Erythrocyte Profile and Platelet Count description based on severity scale of COVID-19 on Pregnant Women at RSUD Dr. M. Haulussy Ambon in 2020
Corresponding Author(s) : Arlen Resnawaldi
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings,
1st International Conference on Health and Medicine
Coronavirus disease 19, better known as COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2. Pregnant women are susceptible to infection because during pregnancy there are physiological changes and body mechanisms that affect immunity. This study aims to describe the erythrocytes profile and platelet counts on the severity of COVID-19 in pregnant women at RSUD Dr. M Haulussy Ambon in 2020. This is an analytical study with a cross-sectional design and using a total sampling method with a total of 31 samples. The result of the study shows from 31 samples, there are 30 people (96,8%) have mild severity, 1 person (3,2%) has moderate severity, and severe severity is not found. The erythrocyte level based on the mild, moderate, and severe is dominated by decreased erythrocyte (anemia) with 19 cases (63,3%). The hemoglobin level is dominated by normal hemoglobin with 15 cases (50%). The MCV level is dominated by decreased MCV with 17 cases (56,7%). The MCH level is dominated by normal MCH with 25 cases (83,3%). The platelet level is dominated by normal platelets with 29 cases (96,7%).
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